Identification and targeting of consumer segments who exhibit some kind of pro-environmental behavior in their use and consumption related activities is an important fac-tor for considering environmental issues in business decisions. An extensive review of extant literature highlights the role of environmental consciousness in explaining pro-environmental behavior, thus, making it imperative to investigate the antecedents determin-ing consumers’ environmental consciousness. The investigation holds particular interest to the marketers as it suggests the market feasibility of eco-friendly product options on the ba-sis of identification of profitable green segments. It is in this backdrop that the study at-tempts to examine environmental consciousness as a construct and identify lifestyle- based antecedents of consumers’ environmental consciousness. The study has its implications for marketing practitioners and researchers who can employ the research findings to draw a clear and distinctive picture of environmentally conscious consumers. Moreover, the find-ings will help marketers to identify green consumer segments in terms of pattern of their life-style.
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Monika Bansal and Kavita Sharma
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BA Vol. 39 Issue-2