This paper aims to examine the listing day returns provided by BSE SME IPOs over and above the market indices namely, S & P CNX Nifty, S & P BSE Sensex and BSE SME IPO Index. Further it identifies the different factors that explain the market-adjusted abnormal returns on listing. The results show that on average SME IPOs not only provide positive returns on the listing day but also outperform the Nifty, Sensex and BSE SME IPO Index. The linear regression analysis provides evidence supporting the information asymmetry, ex-ante uncertainty and signalling hypothesis. Favourable underwriter reputation signals good firm quality creating greater investor interest on listing day and higher abnormal returns. A second possibility could be that under-pricing is done to ensure that the SME issue is a success. This study has practical implications for market regulators to minimise the IPO listing delay in order to make the SME platform more attractive for investors and issuers.
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Lovleen Gupta and Ashween Anand
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