GDP per-capita as proxy of Standard of living and life expectancy at birth as proxy of quality of life has been a thought provoking concern in the minds of researchers. In the Indian context the data for the period 1965-2015 has been gathered, massaged and interpolated by the authors and has yielded plausible results. The authors investigated the problem and from the review of literature found that no empirical analysis if there from the Indian standpoint .The authors applied various econometric tools viz. unit root test , Co-integration and further putting in the vector correction model to capture both the short-and long-run behavior of the variables. In the short run, lagged changes in India’s GDP per-capita is not significantly associated with changes in life expectancy of people in India. The authors have concluded through the vector error correction model that per-capita Gross Domestic Product and life expectancy have a significant long -run adjustment mechanism. The long run causality is directional for Indian government to significantly increase GDP expenditure ratio on health to achieve holistic growth of India but not just GDP per-capita growth rate.
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Neelam Tandon and Deepak Tandon
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Vol. 39 Issue-1