Shri Ram College of Commerce is well known for its academic excellence and dedicated approach towards dissemination of knowledge in the academic world. The College appreciates the role of research in education and is committed to developing an inclination towards research in both faculty and students. In this pursuit, the College has taken the initiative to launch a new Journal named 'Strides - A Students' Journal of Shri Ram College of Commerce' to encourage students to pursue research under the guidance of the faculty of Shri Ram College of Commerce.
It is a bi-annual Journal launched exclusively to publish academic research papers and articles by the students on contemporary topics and issues in the area of commerce, economics, management, governance, policies etc.
In order to maintain high standards of publication, COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) has been constituted. The COPE shall be the apex authority to take all decisions related to publication of research papers and articles in Strides. The decision of COPE shall be final and binding.
To maintain high academic standards, academic ethics and academic integrity, a rigorous process of double blind review of research papers is followed along with screening of plagiarism of each manuscript received by the COPE for publication. The research work published in Strides is original and not published or presented at any other public forum.
The foundation issue of the Journal "Strides - A Students' Journal of Shri Ram College of Commerce, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016-17" was successfully released on 91st Annual Day of SRCC held on 13th April, 2017 by Shri Prakash Javadekar, Honb'le Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
The successive Issues of 'Strides - A Students' Journal of Shri Ram College of Commerce' shall be bi-annually released.
I congratulate all the students whose research papers are published in this Issue of Strides and express my sincere thanks to their mentors and referees.
Prof.. Santosh Kumari